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The local area

Nursery Outings

Earlsdon is a vibrant inner city area with a number of local small shops, bars and cafes. The nursery works in partnership with the local butcher and greengrocer, and we often take outings to pick up fresh fruit for snack time.


The children regularly visit the Earlsdon Library to search for books on their current interests and topics, and we also have links to the local Primary school.


We work with the local church, St Barbara's, for occasions such as Harvest Festival, and also use the church hall for our Christmas Party and Nativity play.  Special events in other faiths are also celebrated throughout the nursery.


The children also visit a local residential home to sing for the residents on special occasions.

As well as short local walks to the shops and parks, during the year our older children go on trips to local attractions, for example the Warwick Arts Centre, Hatton Country World and the Stratford Butterfly Park.


The children travel by minibus with booster seats and shoulder seat belts provided.

Earlsdon outside