Some activities may be planned, but we also allow children the freedom of spontaneity and investigation through unplanned ones. The nursery operates a free flow system, where children have the option to move between rooms, enabling them to develop and explore their interests and utilise the nursery's vast resources. Staff also find that this freedom encourages confidence in our children.
Each room is designed for a specific purpose, for example:
Creativity Room: Sand and water play- art and craft activities- construction area
Role Play Room: Home corner- dressing up- ICT activities- writing area
Exploration Room: Maths area- reading corner- jigsaws- games- small world
We pay particular attention to the interests of our children, and adapt or add to our resources accordingly.
We have a wide range of ICT equipment, including ipads in most rooms, an interactive Genie screen, and a number of laptops and desktop computers. Two of our current staff team are qualified dance instructors, and our Pre-School group benefit from weekly dance sessions. In addition, a staff member who is fluent in French delivers a weekly French class to the children who wish to take part.
We encourage free play, allowing children the freedom to move and choose between activities, some of which are adult-supported and others child-initiated. Within this framework we have a degree of structure, which gives the children a feeling of security and allows them to gain the maximum benefit from the variety of activities and experiences on offer.
8:00am Children arrive, settling in
8:00am- 8:30am Breakfast
8:30am- 10:00am Free flow activies
10:00am- 11:00am Group Time (older children only) and snack
11:00am- 11:30am Outside Play
11:30am- 11:45am Singing and story time
11:45am- 12:30pm Dinner Time
12:30pm- 2:00pm Sleep time or outside play and free flow activities
2:00pm- 2:30pm Snack Time
2:30pm- 4:00pm Free flow activities and outside play
4:15pm- 4:45pm Tea Time
4:45pm- 6:00pm Free flow activities (late care)
6:00pm Nursery closes